Hey Folks!
I'm Nathan (He/Him), and I'm going to be the Second to Silver Camp this year! My character for Drachenfest US is Ser Rodrick Davignon (He/Him), a wildly out-of-his-element Knight Errant from the staunchly feudal lands of Lyonesse in the world of Malleus. I've attached some images of the kit from Malleus below, looking to change up some of the color scheme but thought I'd give an idea of what he looks like!
I'm looking forward to meeting everyone, please feel free to message me with any questions on this thread or through my discord at Nathan A#1737
See you all soon!
(Big shoutout to Kevin Nystrom for the photography of course)
You see that loser hanging out in Rodder's shadow? Yeah. He's making a cameo. I can't WAIT to get ignored by Rodders in TWO worlds! xD
Can't wait to see you in action! 😘
Heck yes, Nathan!! Very excited to tell some very out of the element story with this Knight Errant !
Pleasure to meet you Ser Knight! May the synergy of all of our camp’s actions bring Glory to Silver and great stories for ourselves!