hi , my name is Guillaume and i play as Sesenta.
i'm from Quebec , this is going to be my frist time larping in the us.
i was wondering if some of you already did cross the border with larp stuff , how was the experience? do you have any advice on what and what not to do?
for the moment i did not choose a camps to go with.
this is going to be my twentieth year as a larper , and i always wanted to do larp event outside of my country.
@Guillaume Sesenta Awesome! I personally have always wanted to make Bicolline, but have yet to be able to. I too will be making a 7 hour drive, just from the other direction. Welcome and I look forward to seeing you on the field!
Salut Guillaume! Si tu veux parler un peu français, Soit sur de passer dire bonjour au Baccaro, dans le Bazaar, et de chercher Rafa, il parle français... ;-)
You shouldn't have any issues bringing in larp gear, however, bringing in smoke bombs is only an issue for the state of New York and tunnels. As long as you aren't going through tunnels though, I don't believe it's an issue. So excited you are making the journey! Welcome!
Are you flying or driving? I've never heard of anyone having issues driving across the boarder with larp gear.
wow! that's a long time to be a LARPer, I bet you've been to some awesome events. Never took LARP stuff across the Canadian border but I've been there just for travel. They're generally cool, I'm sure if you explain it and be courteous, you'll be ok. You can probably look up laws of what you can and cannot bring across, like certain plants, drinks, etc.